

Abdominoplasty is a suitable surgery for patients who are suffering from stretching of abdominal skin and muscles and fat deposits in the abdominal area. Deformation of the abdominal wall is a common problem after (multiple) pregnancies or significant weight loss, hereditary tissue flaccidity might also be the cause.

Pre-surgery consultation
The patient’s expectations and possibilities to realise those wishes are established. Medical history of the patient and current usage of medications is discussed. It is advisable to achieve the ideal body weight and then stabilise it before the surgery.

During the examination of the patient, the abdominal wall is examined, skin quality and range of excessiveness is assessed. The patient is examined for possible diastasis and hernias. Patient will be photographed for the case history. Measuring is carried out, surgery method and the location of the future scars is determined.

The surgery

The surgery is carried out using general anesthesia and it usually takes 2-3 hours. During the surgery, excess skin is removed, the belly button relocated, if necessary, abdominal muscles are approximated and tightened. The incision is usually bowed in shape and made on the lower abdomen, so that the scar would be later hidden by underwear. If necessary, the procedure can be combined with liposuction. Often drainage tubes are left in the wound.


The patient is usually released on the morning after the surgery.

Recovery is individual for every patient. Post-surgery pain relief is necessary on the first days, as there is swelling due to tissue trauma, surgery carried out on the muscles may cause severe pain. It might be hard to stand straight during the first couple of days.* The incisions have been covered with wound closure tape and bandages up to 2 weeks, after which scar care starts. It is necessary to constantly wear compression garments/a corset for 4-6 weeks. During the first weeks after the surgery, avoiding extraneous exercise is advised.

Possible risks

Immediately after the surgery, long-term swelling, discomfort, changes in the sensitivity of abdominal dermis, and subdermal haematomas are possible. Inflammation is rare. Wound healing deceleration and accumulation of interstitial fluid in the operated area is common. Shrivelled skin, especially if abdominoplasty was combined with liposuction, is possible, but rare.


The examples given in the text are general and may vary in individual patients. For the most accurate information, please contact with doctor.